

Speak white et pourquoi le Québec est le mouton noir du Canada

Arnaud Boyer, May 31 2020

La relation entre le Québec et le reste du Canada a beaucoup évolué depuis 1968. La situation s’est-elle améliorée? Elle a plutôt évolué. Dans le fameux poème « Speak White », Michelle Lalonde explore la relation de pouvoir entre les anglophones et les francophones.  Après avoir vécu quatre années en Ontario et avoir compris l’attitude des Canadien...

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The 5 types of guys in Montreal

Arnaud Boyer, May 21 2020

Before writing, I researched my subject to see how popular and relevant it is. A lot of people seem to care about the women of Montreal, but to my surprise no one gives a fuck about the guys. Are the Montreal men uninteresting? Are we ill-perceived? No! People generally don’t care as much about the men of a certain city. If they do, it’s generally...

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Arnaud Boyer, May 14 2020

It’s official, our summer is officially fucked. With the Rona ravaging our beautiful city, most of our summer plans are cancelled. This is terrible news but I’m the kind of guy who like to see my drink half full. Let’s talk about the positives! Montreal will be tourist-free for a while.

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Restaurants and Food

How to become an Uber Eat expert

Arnaud Boyer, April 24 2020

As good millennials, eating out is a big part of our life. The amount of money we spend every month on restaurants and bars doesn’t make sense. You may think we’ll be slowing down since most places are closed. Fuck no! We’re doubling down and using that sweet government money to support local businesses.

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Five types of girls you’ll meet in Montreal

Arnaud Boyer, April 24 2020

Whenever I travel out of Quebec and say where I’m from. I always get the same line: «Oh Montreal, beautiful women eh! » or a more depraved version but with the same intent. Apparently, we breed beautiful girls in Montreal, dare I even say the best? I won’t answer that question, but I’ll do you one better. I’ll give you a brief description of all th...

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How to differentiate a Montrealer from a Quebecer

Arnaud Boyer, April 24 2020

As someone who had the chance to travel all around Quebec, I discovered something. There are two types of Quebecers: the ones from Montreal and the others. Some of the differences are subtle, some not so much. I know some of you are expecting an arrogant perspective from the big city kid looking down on the rest of Quebec. Be assured this is not th...

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